Meal Patterns


In accordance with the provisions of Section IV of the Child Nutrition Act, a breakfast program has been initiated to improve the nutrition and dietary practices of the children attending school. Schools provide breakfast in accordance with the menu published by the Department of Food and Nutrition. These menus meet the following standards:

Reimbursable Breakfast – Four Components

Milk1/2 Pint
Juice/Fruit/Vegetable1/2 Cup
Bread or Bread Alternate2 Servings OR
Meat Alternate2 Servings
  • OR Bread/Alternate and Meat/Alternate: 1 Serving Each

Offer Versus Serve – Breakfast – Three Out Of Four Students are allowed to refuse any one (1) food item that they do not intend to eat. Students may choose two (2) bread or two (2) meat items as part of the breakfast. Students may not choose two (2) milk or two (2) juice/fruit/vegetable components as part of the breakfast.


Students are to have available unit-priced lunches, low fat and whole milk, and full strength fruit or vegetable juices. The lunch must meet the nutritional requirements set forth by law and regulations of federal and state governments. Schools provide lunches in accordance with the menu published by the Department of Food and Nutrition. Lunch menus may be expanded to provide wider choices. Variations of the unit-priced lunch include:

  • Chef Salads
  • Salad Bars
  • Cold Plates
  • Box or Bag Lunches

Elementary Schools

  1. Includes Pre K or K through grade five (5) and special education classes operating in conjunction with an elementary school.
  2. Fifth graders enrolled in middle schools are not eligible to purchase an elementary priced meal. The Elementary Reimbursable Lunch Includes:
Meat or Meat Alternate2 Ounces, Cooked*
Vegetables and/or Fruits
(Two Items of 3/8 Cup Each)
3/4 Cup*
Bread or Bread Alternate1 Serving
Milk1/2 Pint

Upon a student’s request, the amount of fruit/vegetable served to grades Pre K-3 may be decreased to 2 cup (two (2) 3 cup servings each). Also at student’s request meat or meat alternates may be decreased in accordance with USDA Guidelines. Students who request second portions of fruit or vegetables may be served a second portion at no cost.

Secondary Schools

  1. Middle schools – Includes grades 6-9, and special education classes and fifth graders enrolled in middle school.
  2. Senior high schools – Includes grades 9 through 12, and special education programs directly related to senior high schools.

The Secondary Reimbursable Lunch Includes:

Meat or Meat Alternate
OR Non-pre-portioned entrees
2 Ounces, Cooked*
3 Ounces
Vegetables and/or Fruits
(Two Items of 3/8 Cup Each)
3/4 Cup*
Bread or Bread Alternate1 Serving
Milk1/2 Pint

Offer Versus Serve Lunch

The National School Lunch Act permits students the opportunity to select three (3) of the five (5) offered components of the lunch and still obtain the benefits of the complete unit priced lunch rather than paying the price of individual components. Following are accepted component combinations:

  • Meat or meat alternate, vegetable or fruit, bread
  • Meat or meat alternate, vegetable or fruit, milk
  • Vegetable or fruit, vegetable or fruit, bread
  • Vegetable or fruit, vegetable or fruit, milk
  • Meat or meat alternate, bread, milk
  • Vegetable or fruit, bread, milk

Students may not choose two (2) of the same component on the day’s meal. (Example: A student choosing pizza may not choose two (2) juices, or two (2) servings of corn to complete the day’s meal.) A student wishing two (2) servings of the same item must pay the a la carte price for the second repeated item. Discover M-DCPS